新年あけましておめでとうございます。Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a nice time off to enjoy with their family and friends. New Years in Japan has many traditions that are different from traditions here in the states. New Years is longer and more of a family event in Japan. There's traditional New Years food such as おせち料理 (osechi ryori) and traditional Japanese games that family and friends play! Some games that get played are like karuta. Karuta is a card game where one reads the card and others have to grab the matching proverb/picture. There is another older form of karuta called 百人一首 (hyakunin isshu, one hundred poets, one poem each). It is a more challenging kind of card game and Japanese people grow up learning how to play. It's a great way to learn how to read Japanese and know how it sounds like.
If you'd like to read about 百人一首, click Here !
Let's have another wonderful 2020!