Happy Friday! Congratulations for surviving another week in this difficult time but we are getting through with it together!
I realized that the longer and longer stay at home order is being in place, it makes me realize on the importance of having a schedule for yourself!
Studying Japanese or setting yourself time to focus on a task is a great way to uplift your mood and improving your knowledge.
I know a lot of teachers are struggling as well in this sudden transition and I'm sure students are as well. It's new for all of us. But what we do know is that, it's okay to not be perfect! Just do what you can and focus on what you can do now.
We may stress ourselves about the unknown, how long this will last, am I doing okay?
You are doing more than okay! You are doing great :). We have so many resources we will continue to share to ensure you, you are doing great and we're here for you if you need any help in resources!