Friday, February 9, 2018

Upcoming Conferences

Here are a couple of conferences that will be held next month!

The Spring Conference of the AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese will be held on Thursday, March 22, 2018, in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS).

2018 Annual CLTA CONFERENCE from March 8-11, 2018 at the Double Tree & Convention Center near Ontario Airport! CLTA - California Language Teachers' Association

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

African American Youth Program

Here is a great opportunity to share!

The African American Youth Program is a program that gives young African American freshmen in high school who are from a low-income background the opportunity to go to Japan on a week-long summer program.

It is so important to give our youth more opportunities so they can open up greater possibilities for their future.  Deadline is March 1, 2018.  Eligibility includes: 1) African American freshman in high school 2) Low Income 3) Never traveled abroad and/or struggling academically.

See the following links for more information:

Please spread this around!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Learn business manners through manga!

This is a fun way to learn/teach Japanese business manners!  Through this book, “マンガで体験!にっぽんのカイシャ ~ビジネス日本語を実践する~,” edited and published by the Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation (which also administers the Business Japanese Proficiency Test in addition to the Kanji Kentei), you can learn/teach about different commonplace scenarios in the Japanese workplace through manga.

How would you work in a Japanese work environment?
What kind of Japanese do you use in the workplace?
What are some differences with your own culture?

The presentation of these materials is very easy-to-follow.  There are 30 chapters that present a situation, then a way to work it out and apply to the real world while teaching you the appropriate Japanese along the way.

More info about the book can be found here (Japanese):

Check it out!

Tadoku/Extensive Reading Resources

多読, or extensive reading, is a way to read Japanese books by reading a wide selection of books that are personally enjoyable at a comfortable level.  Many students are eager to read in Japanese, so tadoku has been gaining in popularity.  Here are some links to get you started!